Thursday, November 19, 2009


It’s time to spread the word: Maitelates is pleased to announce that there is a very “Special Edition” of the ultimate Alfajor! Taza Chocolate, a great organic bean-to-bar chocolate maker located in Massachusetts, asked me to make a unique Alfajor using their handmade Mexican-style chocolate.
We did it & tasted it. The result of this Dulce de Leche-filled Cookie, dipped in earthy chocolate with overtones of fruitiness was an awesome combination of powerful flavors with an unforgettable aftertaste. Bold. And how happy am I to realize that it was team work again! Thanks Bob, Julie, Jeff, Dan, Betty Anne, Ari, Brian, Joe, Melissa, Liz, Masoud, Jeff, Lisa, David, Helen, Joe, Lesley, Peter, Barbara, Michael, Deborah, Leon and Matias for all your important work as tasters and for providing feedback. Special thanks to my brother for all the good, smart & positive advice, and to my Matias for all that accurate survey analysis. I need both their brains!!

Ok, want to know more about how to get this delicious Holiday gift? Click here, and learn more about Taza, this amazing company. Thanks Alex for bringing Maitelates into your stone-ground organic chocolate world! We rock!


Anonymous said...

Great Joint effort! I am counting the minutes to order and taste the new Maitelates with Taza Chocolate covering! Keep it up with the great alfajores Maite!

great presentation BTW (picture) for the Holydays edition!

Rose Sepulveda said...

MMMM yummi... que ganas de probarlos. Cuando vamos a tener Maitelates en Chile???