Monday, April 20, 2009

Good People

I’ve told some of my friends that my brain is usually dead after 7 pm… and truly there’s no way to revive it! After 7 my ideas, my thoughts, all my good intentions go to some other place and I’m a real 'asleep person walking'. No kidding! And yes, poor Pedro, I have to blame him for this one.. he has so much energy and so many ideas and so many adventures to conquer, and so many teeth to break…. From 7am to 7pm, he pretty much consumes all my energy! Good thing that my adorable husband Matias takes over before that 7 time… if not…. well… that ‘if not’ is not really an option…. for now… thanks MiRey!

All this, to explain that for miraculous reasons, Maitelates has its own energy and is really growing!!!! Thanks to my friend Lisa, Mary -the owner of Everyday Wines- has been selling my alfajores at her store since February. After that, Jim –the owner of the recently opened Comet Coffee- contacted me and he’s been selling not only my alfajores but also a killer coffee named “Leche Dulce” made out of my own dulce de leche!!!! Then, not content with those two great serendipitous opportunities, Susie, the manager of, created a “Maitelates Store” on her amazing online marketplace for food artisans. What about that!!!!

I went to visit Lisa & Jeph at Selma Café on Friday and my friend Kim asked me if I could think of good advice for people that want to start 'their thing’ too. Right away a few words came out of my mouth and I said “People!! Good people!! This is all about team work!” If you really want to take a new exciting step in your life, just surround yourself with all the good people that are there –your family and friends-, or out there, willing to help, willing to support you, willing and happy to be a part of transforming your dreams into reality…


Grinch said...

Wow!!! Matias seems to be a really wonderful husband!!! Congratulations for all the success!!!

Anonymous said...

Si, y necesitas las grullas con mucho hambre para los alfajores.

vero said...

liiiiiiiiiiiiiinda mi hermanitaaa!!! tan trabajolica!!! tan hacendosa!! el orgullo de la familia...
pero Ann Arborito tendrá que esperar pacientemente unos dias para volver a deleitarse con los alfajores de maitelates, ya que su creadora viene a visitarnos a Chileeeeeeeeeeeee!! nos toca a nosotros probarlos..
saludos al wonderful husband!
y a pedrito rey del NO!
felicitaciones hermanita por la great minipyme!!

Ebru said...

I just had the delight of adding the dulce de leche (of which there is very, very little left!) to my morning coffee and accompanying it on a toasted baguette. So delicious...

I fear discovering your goods is not going to be very good for my waistline but very good for my overall morning happiness!

Great website and I look forward to reading more from of your blog.


Don Puicxote said...


Do crane count as people too? Because this crane, when feeling peckish, likes to eat alfajores.

I make my otherwise useless human keep me supplied, because I sometimes have difficulty getting out of the house because of the doorknob.