Monday, August 16, 2010

Maitelates presents (part I)

This time I have little to say. I’ll let these beautiful pictures speak for themselves… 
Maitelates presents: MY FAVORITE PEOPLE!
Never in a million years could I adequately describe the feeling of seeing friends and good good people walking around town with the trendiest shirt of the summer… (if you don't have one yet, let me know)
Enjoy the pictures, as much as I enjoy living every chapter of this awesome adventure! 
Thanks everybody!!!!!
Pictures: Pedro (the best) -  Steve (goood friend!) - Bob (gran amigo)- Erica (best neighbor) - Zac (the tornado chaser) & Kyle;  (adorable) - Deena (come back!) - Hilary (my dear Hilary)- Gin & Margaret (lovely couple) -the happy Maitelates family! 


Lady Apart said...

I don't have a t-shirt!!!!!
Los adoramos, lindas las fotos. Hablemos!!!
S y N

Maite said...

Noe linda!!!!!! Los adoramos tambien!!!!!
Dime tu talla y te mando una con algunos maitelates... que ganas de verlos!!!!!! Besos!

Anonymous said...

Great Pictures!!!