Thursday, July 15, 2010


I’m back! Alive, a little heavier, and happier than ever! I’m expecting another baby and even though my body and brain haven’t been cooperating, my heart is full of joy and energy. How good is that!!! Another Maitelates lover coming this upcoming January!!
So yeah, life keeps changing and improving, and while celebrating, I discovered something big: as much as I loved the flavor of my Belgian chocolate, being sick gave me some extra time to do a little research about chocolate. My Goodness!!!!!!! How can it be possible that most of that delicious combination of roasted cocoa powder, cocoa butter and sugar, comes from companies that exploit small farms of third world countries? No way, I don’t want to be part of that! Nor my Alfajores!!! So now what? Well… I guess is not that difficult; it was a matter of giving it some brain time (pretty limited during these days) to discover that there are many fantastic options out there, fair trade options, companies that pay and respect the work, and workers, of farms around the world that make it possible for you, and me, to get cacao beans of the most pure and ‘fair’ flavors.
Conclusion? Maitelates is introducing the new fair trade Alfajores now enrobed in either dark Ecuadorian Mindo chocolate (a good amount of 77% cocoa in each bite) or Semisweet Swiss Felchlin chocolate (another good amount of 60% cacao melting in your mouths with a creamy aftertaste that you just won’t forget). Each one has its own fantastic story and attributes. Stay tuned for more detailed stories and information on both! I encourage you to try both and keep choosing fair trade. You are choosing the best!
Thanks, baby, for making me sick! heh…


Pablo Recabal said...

hey you keep on surprising us, the maitelates addicts.

Susie said...

Wow congratulations!!