Sunday, April 10, 2011

Recap = Recapitulando

I've been meaning to be a serious company manager, and I should at least try to tell Maitelates story using a business-y tone.... but, to whoever is actually taking the time to read this, hi, I'm Maite, and the last thing I am is serious. I have a PhD in loving life, flavors, friends and all kinds of moments. 

Life brought me to Ann Arbor where Maitelates was born. Surrounded by an amazing community and inspired by local flavors, childhood memories, and a serious need to support my family, I took a dip breath and started making one of the most traditional treats from Chile: Alfajores. Alfa.. what? Yeah I know… unpronounceable, but delicious!!
MY Alfajores, which I not so creatively called Maitelates -a combination of my name 'Maite' and 'Chocolate' and a 'sleep deprived brain'- are filled with Dulce de Leche and hand dipped in good, good chocolate (not couverture!) that I myself temper and fight with every week…. yeah, it’s time for you to know that working with chocolate is one of the hardest things I have had to do in my life! What a moody guy! 
If you are still reading (thank you!!) you should also know that Maitelates has been overwhelmingly successful in a very short period of time… hard to believe, but true. Still, all I really want to share with you is that this amazing story happened only because I was lucky enough to invest in the best thing you can really invest in: people, good people.
Maitelates is and will always be a combination of a delicious recipe, family traditions, good local flavors, lots of work, and most importantly, all the love and support of a whole community that I have been lucky enough to be surrounded with.
Thank you Ann Arbor for making Maitelates real and so special.. (if you read until here, thank you again!)

1 comment:

vero said...