Thursday, October 14, 2010


Yeah, it’s true!!!! The rumor, about Maitelates becoming what so many of you wanted it to become, is actually happening. Good and important things are occurring. And, of course, I need to share the news with all of those  who have been an important part of this journey, I mean, all of you!

Two years ago, I was just starting to introduce my Alfajores at the Ann Arbor Farmer’s Market, when so many of you approached me and said, “This treat needs to be at Zingerman’s” And, as much as I loved my Alfajores and people’s reactions to them, never in a million years would I have believed that the “Z” thing would ever happen… Why? Well, I guess my brain was in more of a survival mode than a business one… 
All I knew about Zingerman’s was that whatever they touched, it changed people’s perceptions. Was I ready for that? No… not really… I needed to learn more, to explore further, to find exactly the best way to present and represent and refine Maitelates.

After all this time, after all these many wonderful things that have already happened to me, the day has come. Zingerman’s is offering to the world my finest version of what you (yes, all you) tried and admired a couple of years ago. Go tell your family, friends and pets… Maitelates made it, WE MADE IT!!!! 

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